The story behind Micah6
In 2006, a group of ten girls, aged ten to eleven, were identified by teachers at Cato Crest Primary School as needing additional social care. The girls were displaying abnormal behavioral patterns, the majority of which resulting from the death a parent due to HIV/AIDS. These ten girls were given intensive psychosocial grief counseling bySt Thomas Anglican Church and social work studnts from the University of KwaZulu-Natal. At the end of the counseling course, I, together with a colleague Sarah Pudifin, were approached by St Thomas’ to give the girls some basic music skills. The purpose of the music lessons was two-fold. First, it allowed the group to remain intact facilitating further emotional support. Second, it exposed the group to new cultural experiences. The fledgling recorder ensemble proved a huge success, and the music lessons soon transformed into a varied arts and crafts program that was extended not only to the original members, but also their friends…and then their friends.
A Pivotal point
Towards the end of 2008, some of the girls in the extra-mural program had reached the end of their primary education, and it became apparent that without additional support, their prospects for a sound high school education were bleak. It was later brought to our attention, that by the third quarter of the school year, parents and guardians of the girls had not even registered them to attend a high school! Our concern was growing. The poor standard of education offered in the informal settlement coupled with the lack of mentorship at home, meant that for sustainable change, outside intervention was required. The girls themselves were also starting to become concerned about attending the future education and had voiced, that if it were possible to attend a better school, they would leap at the opportunity!
Taking Action
The situation was troubling, but not hopeless. We were presented with an opportunity to continue our walk with the girls through their high school education -provided that we took action. At the time, neither Micah6 existed, nor were any funds available to support high school tuition. St. Thomas church was unable to underwrite the school fees and the sum required was more than what we as a small group could afford. After some research, I discovered that Sparks Estate Secondary School, although under resourced, had a dedicated staff and headmistress who knew how achieve a lot, with very little. The annual fee for attending the school was R850 for the school year of 2009. However, this was more than what we, or the families of the girls’ could afford. Undeterred, we began canvassing friends and family as well as the people, who through their involvement with the programme, had taken in interest the lives of the girls. A few people agreed to become sponsors, and on the first day of school 2009, seven girls entered grade eight at Sparks Estate Secondary School. As the girls stood nervously in their new oversized uniforms, we knew that we could significantly change the lives of these young women. This was the dawn of Micah6.
Micah6 was registered on 8 June 2010 in terms of the Non-Profit Organisation Act. For the period before this Micah6 was not a legal entity and with no membership board. Micah6 functioned in partnership with St. Thomas Church who received funding on our behalf and volunteers spearheaded the programme. Although the partnership with St. Thomas Church was beneficial and much appreciated in the early stages, it was felt that we needed to obtain an organizational vehicle such as NPO status for increased financial accountability and independence as well as future growth potential. As a result a board of three members was created in fulfillment of the requirements of an NPO, a constitution was drawn up and we applied for NPO status. Currently the membership board consists of:
Jennifer Pudifin – Chairman
Caroline Goodier – Secretary
Gabrielle Wills – Treasurer
In addition to these three members, a faithful group of volunteers serve the organization. Coral Wills is a high capacity volunteer who sees to the well-being of the girls each Tuesday afternoon while Gabrielle Wills and Caroline Goodier provide extra English lessons. Bradford Wills and Alan Wills are involved on a monthly basis conducting computer lessons and offering strategic advice. Support is also offered from current financial sponsors including both individuals and firms.
We are most grateful to the following who have committed to Micah6’s financial sustainability: Alan Wills and Associates; Coastland Sales; Gabrielle and Bradford Wills; Clare van der Stoep; Jennifer Pudifin Beverly de Kok; Coral Wills; Belinda Croxon; Charmian Silcocks and other members of small group at St. Thomas Church; Sarah Pudifin; Gavin Surgey; Alexandra and Hylton Mowday; Rotary Ethekwini Educational Trust and The Andrew Mentis Nomads Foundation.
Currently there are five girls who are sponsored to attend Sparks Estate Secondary and a further two girls at Inanda Seminary. The programme also provides extra lessons to a further three girls who are not directly sponsored.